My goal as a teacher is to help you access your body's own style of dance and open the doors to your creative intuition. I teach Fusion Bellydance to this end, to allow students to develop their own approach to bellydance. I want to help you dance in a way that isn't just safe for your body, but makes you feel beautiful inside and out. My classes are centered around your experience; I am always open to your requests, criticism and suggestions. Come out and see what your dance can be!
My next session of classes at World in Motion is starting soon! For more information on how to register, please visit http://www.worldinmotiondance.com/.
This session will run from January 15-February 19 (six weeks of classes with no breaks). Classes are on Saturdays.
Please note that I must have 5 people registered for a full session of each of these classes in order to run the class sessions.
Fusion CORE Swiss Army Choreography 1:00-2:15 PM
In CORE, we will be learning a choreography ready for solo or group performance that also integrates critical movements into sequences that can be used in place of or in addition to traditional drills to help students improve their dancing at home. We will combine core isolations and shimmies with a variety of traveling patterns and arm movements to create dynamic combinations that can be simplified or complicated based on your personal preferences and comfort level. Students of all levels are welcome in this class. Expect to see some core conditioning exercises and to receive specific individual feedback.
Drop-ins are welcome but because this is a choreography class it is recommended that students attend as many classes in the session as possible.
Fusion FLOW Stagecraft for Soloists 2:30-3:45 PM
In FLOW, we will be switching over to a seminar format for this next session, which is designed to help solo performers of all levels of experience improve their stage presence and refine their dance technique. All students will be asked to present a 1-2 minute solo performance (choreo or improv or a mix) in front of the class twice during the session. During the session, we will use concrete and thorough exercises exploring musicality, tension and release, and visual composition of movement to improve our solos and help everyone develop their own unique creative voice. Performers or aspiring performers of all levels are welcome in this class. Expect to receive a lot of individual feedback and to have the opportunity to participate in discussions and critiques.
Drop-ins are welcome but because this is a seminar class it is recommended that students attend as many classes in the session as possible. Drop-ins may demonstrate their performances for the class if they ask me about it beforehand (i.e. at least the day before the class they plan to attend).
Register online at http://www.worldinmotiondance.com/classes.html .
Find more information about class prices and policies at http://www.worldinmotiondance.com/classinfo.html .
Get directions to the studio at http://www.worldinmotiondance.com/directions.html .
Feel free to email me with any questions at skbeaman at gmail dot com.
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